kAtz93 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/katz93/art/Gizdom-Reloaded-for-Windows-7-164312496kAtz93

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kAtz93's avatar

Gizdom Reloaded for Windows 7



Somebody asked me : What is Gizdom ? Gizdom doesn't mean anything,it's just my friend's old project for Vista.It looks similar to elan by webtrance,but with stripes and some difference details.First time saw it,i found it very interesting,so I decided to re-public it again.And now,here it is :

Gizdom Reloaded for Windows 7

Get full preview here : [link]

New Features :
:bulletblue: New Window Frames
:bulletblue: New taskbar & taskitem buttons
:bulletblue: New Preview Pane & command bar
:bulletblue: New Start Button
and more....

Included in the pack :
:bulletblack: Visual styles
:bulletblack: System files ((explorer.exe,shell32.dll and explorerframe.dll) with TakeOwnership Tool
:bulletblack: Uxtheme patcher

Thanks to :
:iconrajtheeban95::iconka-la: for helps with WSB
:iconenzoisamazing: for x64 system files

:iconcommentplz:Comments,bugs reports and faves are all welcome

Note : Check x64 system files here : [link] thanks to ~Enzoisamazing

Note 2 : some part of Gizdom Reloaded has been corrupted for no reason,so i'm sorry if some parts weren't changed or some bugs can't be fixed :(

©2010 ~kAtz93
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gunzmaster95's avatar
How to i get the Close/minimize/restore button glyphs to show up?